To use this extension, you need to have a task from OpenML. You can either browse the OpenML website to find a task (and get it's ID), or follow the example to create a task from a custom dataset.
transform=Compose([ToPILImage(),# Convert tensor to PIL Image to ensure PIL Image operations can be applied.Lambda(convert_to_rgb),# Convert PIL Image to RGB if it's not already.Resize((64,64)),# Resize the image.ToTensor(),# Convert the PIL Image back to a tensor.])data_module=OpenMLDataModule(type_of_data="image",file_dir="datasets",filename_col="image_path",target_mode="categorical",target_column="label",batch_size=64,transform=transform)trainer=OpenMLTrainerModule(data_module=data_module,verbose=True,epoch_count=1,)openml_pytorch.config.trainer=trainer