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Contains all meta-information about a run / evaluation combination, according to the evaluation/list function


Name Type Description Default
run_id int

Refers to the run.

task_id int

Refers to the task.

setup_id int

Refers to the setup.

flow_id int

Refers to the flow.

flow_name str

Name of the referred flow.

data_id int

Refers to the dataset.

data_name str

The name of the dataset.

function str

The evaluation metric of this item (e.g., accuracy).

upload_time str

The time of evaluation.

uploader int

Uploader ID (user ID)

upload_name str

Name of the uploader of this evaluation

value float

The value (score) of this evaluation.

values List[float]

The values (scores) per repeat and fold (if requested)

array_data str

list of information per class. (e.g., in case of precision, auroc, recall)

Source code in openml/evaluations/
class OpenMLEvaluation:
    Contains all meta-information about a run / evaluation combination,
    according to the evaluation/list function

    run_id : int
        Refers to the run.
    task_id : int
        Refers to the task.
    setup_id : int
        Refers to the setup.
    flow_id : int
        Refers to the flow.
    flow_name : str
        Name of the referred flow.
    data_id : int
        Refers to the dataset.
    data_name : str
        The name of the dataset.
    function : str
        The evaluation metric of this item (e.g., accuracy).
    upload_time : str
        The time of evaluation.
    uploader: int
        Uploader ID (user ID)
    upload_name : str
        Name of the uploader of this evaluation
    value : float
        The value (score) of this evaluation.
    values : List[float]
        The values (scores) per repeat and fold (if requested)
    array_data : str
        list of information per class.
        (e.g., in case of precision, auroc, recall)

    def __init__(  # noqa: PLR0913
        run_id: int,
        task_id: int,
        setup_id: int,
        flow_id: int,
        flow_name: str,
        data_id: int,
        data_name: str,
        function: str,
        upload_time: str,
        uploader: int,
        uploader_name: str,
        value: float | None,
        values: list[float] | None,
        array_data: str | None = None,
        self.run_id = run_id
        self.task_id = task_id
        self.setup_id = setup_id
        self.flow_id = flow_id
        self.flow_name = flow_name
        self.data_id = data_id
        self.data_name = data_name
        self.function = function
        self.upload_time = upload_time
        self.uploader = uploader
        self.uploader_name = uploader_name
        self.value = value
        self.values = values
        self.array_data = array_data

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        header = "OpenML Evaluation"
        header = "{}\n{}\n".format(header, "=" * len(header))

        fields = {
            "Upload Date": self.upload_time,
            "Run ID": self.run_id,
            "OpenML Run URL": openml.runs.OpenMLRun.url_for_id(self.run_id),
            "Task ID": self.task_id,
            "OpenML Task URL": openml.tasks.OpenMLTask.url_for_id(self.task_id),
            "Flow ID": self.flow_id,
            "OpenML Flow URL": openml.flows.OpenMLFlow.url_for_id(self.flow_id),
            "Setup ID": self.setup_id,
            "Data ID": self.data_id,
            "Data Name": self.data_name,
            "OpenML Data URL": openml.datasets.OpenMLDataset.url_for_id(self.data_id),
            "Metric Used": self.function,
            "Result": self.value,

        order = [
            "Uploader Date",
            "Run ID",
            "OpenML Run URL",
            "Task ID",
            "OpenML Task URL" "Flow ID",
            "OpenML Flow URL",
            "Setup ID",
            "Data ID",
            "Data Name",
            "OpenML Data URL",
            "Metric Used",
        _fields = [(key, fields[key]) for key in order if key in fields]

        longest_field_name_length = max(len(name) for name, _ in _fields)
        field_line_format = f"{{:.<{longest_field_name_length}}}: {{}}"
        body = "\n".join(field_line_format.format(name, value) for name, value in _fields)
        return header + body