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Integrating your Python libraries

OpenML-Python provides an extension interface to connect other machine learning libraries than scikit-learn to OpenML. Please check the api_extensions and use the scikit-learn extension in openml.extensions.sklearn.SklearnExtension{.interpreted-text role="class"} as a starting point.

Connecting new machine learning libraries

Content of the Library

To leverage support from the community and to tap in the potential of OpenML, interfacing with popular machine learning libraries is essential. The OpenML-Python package is capable of downloading meta-data and results (data, flows, runs), regardless of the library that was used to upload it. However, in order to simplify the process of uploading flows and runs from a specific library, an additional interface can be built. The OpenML-Python team does not have the capacity to develop and maintain such interfaces on its own. For this reason, we have built an extension interface to allows others to contribute back. Building a suitable extension for therefore requires an understanding of the current OpenML-Python support.

The{.interpreted-text role="ref"} tutorial shows how scikit-learn currently works with OpenML-Python as an extension. The sklearn extension packaged with the openml-python repository can be used as a template/benchmark to build the new extension.


  • The extension scripts must import the [openml]{.title-ref} package and be able to interface with any function from the OpenML-Python api.
  • The extension has to be defined as a Python class and must inherit from openml.extensions.Extension.
  • This class needs to have all the functions from [class Extension]{.title-ref} overloaded as required.
  • The redefined functions should have adequate and appropriate docstrings. The [Sklearn Extension API :class:`openml.extensions.sklearn.SklearnExtension.html]{.title-ref} is a good example to follow.

Interfacing with OpenML-Python

Once the new extension class has been defined, the openml-python module to openml.extensions.register_extension must be called to allow OpenML-Python to interface the new extension.

The following methods should get implemented. Although the documentation in the [Extension]{.title-ref} interface should always be leading, here we list some additional information and best practices. The [Sklearn Extension API :class:`openml.extensions.sklearn.SklearnExtension.html]{.title-ref} is a good example to follow. Note that most methods are relatively simple and can be implemented in several lines of code.

  • General setup (required)
    • can_handle_flow: Takes as argument an OpenML flow, and checks whether this can be handled by the current extension. The OpenML database consists of many flows, from various workbenches (e.g., scikit-learn, Weka, mlr). This method is called before a model is being deserialized. Typically, the flow-dependency field is used to check whether the specific library is present, and no unknown libraries are present there.
    • can_handle_model: Similar as can_handle_flow, except that in this case a Python object is given. As such, in many cases, this method can be implemented by checking whether this adheres to a certain base class.
  • Serialization and De-serialization (required)
    • flow_to_model: deserializes the OpenML Flow into a model (if the library can indeed handle the flow). This method has an important interplay with model_to_flow. Running these two methods in succession should result in exactly the same model (or flow). This property can be used for unit testing (e.g., build a model with hyperparameters, make predictions on a task, serialize it to a flow, deserialize it back, make it predict on the same task, and check whether the predictions are exactly the same.) The example in the scikit-learn interface might seem daunting, but note that here some complicated design choices were made, that allow for all sorts of interesting research questions. It is probably good practice to start easy.
    • model_to_flow: The inverse of flow_to_model. Serializes a model into an OpenML Flow. The flow should preserve the class, the library version, and the tunable hyperparameters.
    • get_version_information: Return a tuple with the version information of the important libraries.
    • create_setup_string: No longer used, and will be deprecated soon.
  • Performing runs (required)
    • is_estimator: Gets as input a class, and checks whether it has the status of estimator in the library (typically, whether it has a train method and a predict method).
    • seed_model: Sets a random seed to the model.
    • _run_model_on_fold: One of the main requirements for a library to generate run objects for the OpenML server. Obtains a train split (with labels) and a test split (without labels) and the goal is to train a model on the train split and return the predictions on the test split. On top of the actual predictions, also the class probabilities should be determined. For classifiers that do not return class probabilities, this can just be the hot-encoded predicted label. The predictions will be evaluated on the OpenML server. Also, additional information can be returned, for example, user-defined measures (such as runtime information, as this can not be inferred on the server). Additionally, information about a hyperparameter optimization trace can be provided.
    • obtain_parameter_values: Obtains the hyperparameters of a given model and the current values. Please note that in the case of a hyperparameter optimization procedure (e.g., random search), you only should return the hyperparameters of this procedure (e.g., the hyperparameter grid, budget, etc) and that the chosen model will be inferred from the optimization trace.
    • check_if_model_fitted: Check whether the train method of the model has been called (and as such, whether the predict method can be used).
  • Hyperparameter optimization (optional)
    • instantiate_model_from_hpo_class{.interpreted-text role="meth"}: If a given run has recorded the hyperparameter optimization trace, then this method can be used to reinstantiate the model with hyperparameters of a given hyperparameter optimization iteration. Has some similarities with flow_to_model (as this method also sets the hyperparameters of a model). Note that although this method is required, it is not necessary to implement any logic if hyperparameter optimization is not implemented. Simply raise a [NotImplementedError]{.title-ref} then.

Hosting the library

Each extension created should be a stand-alone repository, compatible with the OpenML-Python repository. The extension repository should work off-the-shelf with OpenML-Python installed.

Create a public Github repo with the following directory structure:

| [repo name]
|    |-- [extension name]
|    |    |--
|    |    |--
|    |    |-- (optionally)
  • Test cases to keep the extension up to date with the [openml-python]{.title-ref} upstream changes.
  • Documentation of the extension API, especially if any new functionality added to OpenML-Python\'s extension design.
  • Examples to show how the new extension interfaces and works with OpenML-Python.
  • Create a PR to add the new extension to the OpenML-Python API documentation.

Happy contributing!